Προειδοποιήσεις, Byron School

Χαμηλή θερμοκρασία

24/5 6:00 π.μ. 06:00 – 24/5 2:00 μ.μ. 14:00

Freeze Watch issued May 23 at 3:07AM MDT until May 24 at 8:00AM MDT by NWS Riverton WY * WHAT...Sub-freezing temperatures as low as 30 possible. * WHERE...Southwest Bighorn Basin, Southeast Bighorn Basin, Cody Foothills, and North Bighorn Basin. * WHEN...From late tonight through Friday morning. * IMPACTS...Frost and freeze conditions could kill crops, other sensitive vegetation. Take steps now to protect tender plants from the cold.

National Weather Service

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